Custom Grow Programs
The Perennial Farm specializes in tailoring Custom Grow programs to fit your exact perennial needs and requirements!
We will contract grow plants for large orders, including plants that we do not normally grow. Our extensive experience assures beautiful, well-rooted plants when you need them. A number of different pot sizes are also available.
Why go Custom Grown?
Contract grown programs save you time and money.
Much wider selection of varieties than are generally available.
Larger-scale contractors provide assurance of specific future inventory.
Plants are very uniform since they start off in the same growth cycle.
Saves time and resources needed to run a greenhouse and coordinate planting dates.
Plants Delivered when and where you want them
"The plants were beautiful! They were even better than what I had expected and they were ready on the date that I needed them. The Perennial Farm even delivered them directly to my job site. This whole project was a tremendous success. I highly recommend The Perennial Farm."